Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Festival Wrap Up

This last week I have been goin to a lot of semi-exclusive art type parties. One of the perks of my current relationship. The world of art is a strange one indeed. There are people you see at these things that you wouldnt expect to see, and there are people you really would rather not see. It seems about 90% of the people there are not actually there to see the art, but to rather be seen at the art place. I guess its similar to music in some regards.

Anyway over the weekend I made a few observations, here they are:

1. At the Adelaide Art gallery bienialle thingo, everyone was white. And Im not just saying white skinned, but WHITE. Really fuking white. Now Im a whitey so I cant talk but these people were straight off the boat of White town white. The kind of people who would see some foreign or traditional art and think of it as quaint and probably by some to round out their study with some 'other worldy' items.

Actually one of my friends the said they saw a play the other night about African Refugees and heard someone in the audience say 'I know its sad and all but Im really over African Refugees'. Good to hear! Im sure they are pretty much over being refugees too!

Anyway I digress...

2. The Adelaide Art Gallery Bienialle thingy is 99% absolute shite. It made me angry as I wandered around it. Maybe that was a good thing, I dont know, but it was mostly horrible crap. There were a couple of exceptions. Some nice videos of paint and a camera on wheels. And a thing made out of what looked like play-doh was good. But god there was some shite in there. Im sure it will be a great success.

3. Watching richies clamber towards a table trying to get free booze is hilarious. I can understand poor artists tryin to get all the freebies they can get but even the mega-rich type can get in a fluster trying to get a free glass of cheap champagne. I saw one old lady with 2 glasses of wine, at first I thought she was holding one for someone else, but she was drinking from both! Maybe there is a wine shortage in Burnside.

4. The 'King Pins' are very good where as 'Gossip Pop' suck.

5. Commercial Art gallery owners or managers or whatever they are, are very cagey individuals. And will not tell you how much money they are making no matter how many times you shout 'WHATS THE BOTTOM LINE?!' at them whilst drunk. They also sometimes look like Jeff Goldblum.

6. Mike Rann does not have super hearing. I muttered so many insults at him whilst standing 2 metres away but he didnt notice any. Its a good thing for him too cause they were Zingers! 'Rann Gets Rannsults!'

7. If you switch off random lights at the 'land o fake Persia' festival thingo, the staff will turn them back on almost immediately. They are really on top of things down there.

8. David Byrne isnt as smart as I thought he was.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you dissed mike rann to his face?

you are chompys hero!!!

1:25 PM, March 08, 2006  
Blogger PetStarr said...

You thought the Biennial was shite? Good lord boy, what's wrong with you? It's utterly wild!! How you could fail to be inspired by this collection of crazy colourful works, I don't know. You HAD to at least have been impressed by the ball bearings that play Sex Pistols, come ON!

2:54 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the david byrne intelligence test?

9:19 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fringe is crazy! if i see one more street performer swallow a balloon i'm going to go nuts!

10:15 PM, March 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, about boring art, I know what you mean.
I have only been to one exhibition in the past YEAR that has contained work worth the walls it was hung on (or floor it was sitting on, or ceiling it was hanging from etc.)
I sorta figure its the result of constant delusion. I can't explain any other reason why people would exhibit some of the shit I've seen.
e x

9:29 AM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

matt, you must be hanging around the right artists (know you are) as your impression of the biennial is acurate... what a pile of shit... worst premise for a show yet... was a nice sex pistols reference though - maybe a bit calculated?

9:55 PM, March 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what blows my mind is that at some point you actually thought david byrne was smart.

12:09 PM, March 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Matt, you jam that culture!

5:54 PM, March 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw mike rann once with his little italian socialite/fiance and stuttered "go panntherss" endlessly until he drove away. was teh highlight of my life.

where the fuck is the physics building?

1:33 AM, March 14, 2006  

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