Tuesday, March 14, 2006

More Festival Reports.

I should point out a couple of good things I have seen at this festival shabam so far. The last post was a bit negative and it aint all bad. And as this blog can make or break an show there are 2 worth checking out. And they are right next to each other!

I have no idea what they are called, but I will describe them to you.

1) The crazy robot wings.
Its at the Experimental Art Foundation (next to the Jam Factory) and its a room full of robotic wing type things that get filled up with air and go up and down. Probably dont sound to flash by my description. But believe me its pretty damn impressive. And pretty funny when you see it tickling some snob in the back of the neck while they drink their wine. Good show yes.

2) The video of a tree made out of furniture.
Features a guy with a fake beard turning a gigantic tree into a room full of furniture. I liked this quite a lot. The tree is in the gallery itself too. Trust me its good. Its at the Jam Factory.

I assume these things are still on. Who knows tho. Its a crazy world of mayhem out there.

I have a bruise on my hip from where my housemate kicked me in a bar on the weekend. I keep bumping it on stuff and it hurts. When I get home I am going to kick his ass.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

another really good show is the exhibition at greenaway gallery and the rest of the video venice show (tree house guy) which is at the tafe on light square, flinders uni gallery in the state library and the mercury cinema.

and the william forsythe dance work

12:54 PM, March 14, 2006  

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