Today in the mall there was a big shindig being thrown by some lottery company. I think it was the birthday of the lottery or something like that. They had a cake that apparently wieghed 190kg for some reason.It would have been boring and unentertaining if it wasnt for the use of one of the worlds most useless inventions.
The Segway.

I dont know what the hell they were thinking when they invented this thing but surely someone got fired over it. OR MAYBE NOT! Some companies are so stupid that they buy the things to use for thier promotions. Or maybe you can hire them, I should look into that.
Anyway there were 2 girls on these things trying to hand out some pamplet about the lottery. It was great cause they could hardly balance on the things with 2 hands, but they had to use the other hand to hand out the flyers. Comedy instilled. Lots of people were being scared off by the machines rocking back and forth whilst the poor girls tried thier hardest to hand out the flyers.
What was the lottery thinking? Not much I assume
Lottery guy1: No one ever takes our flyers!!
Lottery guy2: Hmm we need to make them more exiting
LG1: what if the people who were handing them out were swaying all over the place dangerously?
LG2: You mean if we got drunks to do it?
LG1: No, even better....SEGWAYS!!!!
*that may or may not have happened. I bet it did tho.
The Segway.

I dont know what the hell they were thinking when they invented this thing but surely someone got fired over it. OR MAYBE NOT! Some companies are so stupid that they buy the things to use for thier promotions. Or maybe you can hire them, I should look into that.
Anyway there were 2 girls on these things trying to hand out some pamplet about the lottery. It was great cause they could hardly balance on the things with 2 hands, but they had to use the other hand to hand out the flyers. Comedy instilled. Lots of people were being scared off by the machines rocking back and forth whilst the poor girls tried thier hardest to hand out the flyers.
What was the lottery thinking? Not much I assume
Lottery guy1: No one ever takes our flyers!!
Lottery guy2: Hmm we need to make them more exiting
LG1: what if the people who were handing them out were swaying all over the place dangerously?
LG2: You mean if we got drunks to do it?
LG1: No, even better....SEGWAYS!!!!
*that may or may not have happened. I bet it did tho.
am i stupid, but i just have not heard of these things before - i saw someone on one once, but had no idea they came with the noble name 'segway'
what is a segway in real life - it sounds like a complicated american traffic engineering problem (like flyovers, freeways etc)
I agree with the anonymous contributors. You used your pants to write this post, didn't you? Admit it. WTF is a segway? Show me, damn it!
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