Monday, October 31, 2005

Daylight Savings?! YOU CAN KEEP IT!

Daylight bloody savings. What a stupid fuking invention. Lets just change everyones sleeping patterns, cause mass confusion on the day it changes over so that some tanned jerk can enjoy another hour of sun at the beach after work.


I bet his name is something like Rick too. Ive never met any Ricks but I assume they are all jerks.

I should move to Queensland where they dont have daylight savings, which I found out from a taxi driver in Brisbane who when he discovered I was from Adelaide said 'You have daylight savings down there dont you!? YOU CAN KEEP IT!!!'

He then went on to tell me that I could keep Sydney and Melbourne too 'cause they have shit weather'.


He seemed was giving a lot of stuff away. I should have taken it I could have made a killing on the property market. Sydney and Melbourne would be worth a lot I rekon...


Blogger marla said...

Someone tried to tell me on the weekend that part of the reason we have daylight savings is so the sun coming up at a different time doesn’t confuse birds. I wasn't sure if he believed it.

Then I couldn't get to sleep that night because I was thinking about the space time continuum (sp) and how we use the same calendar every year as if each year is the same, esp. in terms of linier structure, instead of being this constant flow of time where a day is just a day, does that confuse humans to much? What did people do before calendars? Constantly miss work? Anniversaries, I don't know, its all confusing, esp. how there are only 12 months, instead of like a gazillion months since time began all with different names.. Going on and on in to the future...

it took a while to get to sleep, and on top of that I didn't know if I was supposed to put my clock forward or back, and had to call a 1900 number. Damn daylight savings, I'll never get that night back.

11:02 PM, October 31, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love daylight savings. it means i can come home from work and it's not dark. your sleeping pattern on the weekends would be fucked up from being a late-night drunkard anyway. have a cry x

9:28 AM, November 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only problem with daylight savings is that it's not 365 days per year.

As for Queensland they gave us XXXX which is the worst beer in the world (even worse than West End Draught and all American beers put together).

And taxi drivers... well everyone knows that they're wankers.

11:44 AM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger matt said...

as a former taxi driver i take offence!!!

3:00 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger matt said...

besides its nurses that no one likes ;)

3:01 PM, November 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

except when they're dying, or have cracked their noggins when they fall off of a drum riser...

9:23 AM, November 02, 2005  

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