Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Death Beds aint comfy.

So since Saturday I have spent most of my time in bed...somehow the cold I thought was almost over came back with a horrible vengeance when I woke up on Saturday morning so dizzy that I couldn't even get up out of bed to piss, I did eventually don't worry...

I became a bedridden monster who had to call housemates on the phone to get them to come into my room to get me a glass of water. I even had a doctor come round to my house and diagnose me. THEY COME TO YOUR HOUSE! FOR FREE! It was amazing, I lay on my bed in the middle of a terrible fever wearing only my tiny underpants while a doctor and a nurse stood in my room and diagnosed me. Was pretty weird as I was a bit delirious and didn't really know exactly what was going on.

That was Saturday, I think, Then my collarbone decided to give way due to all the coughin and swell up like a mutha fucker causing extreme pain and making puttin tshirts on and off one of the worst things in the world. Got taken to a 7 day clinic and was prodded some more, given some pain killers that helped, but only a little.

Then on Tuesday I went to see another doctor to see how I was goin (lemme tell you some of this shit was gettin expensive) he looked at me for about 5 mins and decided I probably had pneumonia and sent me straight to the RAH (making it 3 times to emergency this year). Went there in my trackies and was x-rayed and had a lot of blood taken from me. Given a drip. Tests all came back and I was pretty fine. Had something called cellulitus in my chest. I don't even have fat thighs!

Its Wednesday today and Its the first day I've been able to walk for more than a couple of minutes. Feels great to be slightly mobile again.

Things I have learnt from this experience?

1.after not shaving for 5 days I start to look like a pedophile (according to my good pal James)
2.if you develop a cough that sounds like a dog barking your friends will find great amusement in it
3.panadine forte aint as strong as it should be
4.eating chicken soup with your left hand whilst lying down can be very hard housemates and friend rules
6.I can be a really sulky grumpy shit when I'm sick

and finally


Blogger pippa said...

glory, you sound like you were actually very sick. well, i'm glad that you're still alive.

also, the verification word is pwnwg. make what you will of it, but i think that it's a code for pornwig or more specifically merkin.

4:06 PM, October 29, 2005  

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