Monday, May 29, 2006


So Ive become an inventor. I am yet to make the prototype but have put in some research and found that it is very easily do-able.

I have invented 'Backpack Karaoke'.

Sounds exciting ey? Well just wait till I tell you what it all means!!!
Basically you get a backpack and inside it you put a small battery powered amplifier. Make some sort of hole in the backpack so the sound can get through no worries. To the amplifier you plug in an ipod (or any other mp3 player) full of karaoke cds. And a microphone of some sort. Make it so the ipod and the microphone both come out of the backpack so you can hold them in your pockets of you pants or jacket or something. Then you play a little karaoke tune on your ipod and sing the song. Its completely portable so you can do it ANYWHERE!

In a couple months time when I have finally built this thing expect to see me in the mall, on trains, at major sporting events and basically anywhere else I can be annoying/entertaining, performing my heart out. Im guessing I will probably be slightly drunk too as I will need it for courage. In which case dont tickle me.

PS. If you steal this idea before I have made it famous I will have your balls.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:50 AM, May 29, 2006  
Blogger matt said...

thats different. you need a tv or stereo for that. this one im making is ENTIRELY portable...

1:31 PM, May 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't imagine it catching on. sorry.

2:58 PM, May 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh uh I mistake. well, all the best. I hope your invention makes you a rich and deeply satisfied man.

4:49 PM, May 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate to be the party pooper, but i think i just shat my pants.

um, no, where was i?? yes, karaoke. i hate to be the party pooper but i think you can already get karaoke on mobile phones....saaaaaaaaawwwwree!!!!!!!


2:07 PM, June 17, 2006  

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