Monday, January 16, 2006

Mayor Matt

It is becoming quite apparent to me that I now own this town. I have quite obviously become its king and everyone else are my loyal subjects. If you read Ianto Wares blog you will find him telling you that he is in fact a king among men. But all he has to stake this claim is that he can peddle his fat arse up a hill.

La di fukin dah.

Me on the other hand have many reasons to claim this.

Firstly my band is on the cover of dB magazine right now. The last local band to be on there was the Hot Lies. And look at them now. Kings of emo. Soon the title will be back in my hands.

Not only am I on the cover but there is also a lovely interview with me proclaiming to be the best in the country. I wonder if i can quote myself in press releases. I saw a guy do it on a Wilco documentary after he got kicked out of the band for being a wanker. hmmm...

Secondly I have randoms coming up to me and giving me compliments. People I have never seen are coming up to me in places around town telling me how great I am. I mean, what is this supposed to do to a mans ego? Surely its going to inflate.

I even went to the trouble of shaving off my sideburns after a strange woman complimented me on them. I dont want compliments about my facial hair. I want it for my raw talent. RAW talent = RAW face!

I have also had people point and stare at me. This made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I finally understand how poor Sarah Mcloud of the Superjesus must have felt 5 years ago. I saw the poor girl walking through the mall disguised in dark glasses and a big jacket to hide her fame from the world. At the time I laughed to myself. 'Why would she want to hide from the world' I giggled. Now I finally know.

I love my people, but I have trouble being amongst them. Please email me your compliments, or post glowing letters. Face to face is hard as I need to have my private life too. If a man wants to adopt a baby from a starving mother, then let a man adopt a baby.

My friend informed me that 2006 is the Chinese year of over-confidence. I wonder if I should take any of that into account. But its also the year of the dog too. I dont see too many dogs taking over the pop charts anytime soon, but then again last year a frog and some fuking animal called schnappy the crocodile both had big hits...maybe Ruffles the Wonder dog will have a hit with a remix of 'give a dog a bone'.

Actually that gives me an idea....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matt, on Saturday night I was sitting next to you at Supermild and you were singing and I told you not to and you said to me 'Do you know how many people would love to be in your position right now?' I asked you who, and you said 'My fans'.
That, my friend, is TOO much ego. And the result of an overactive imagination.

3:05 PM, January 16, 2006  
Blogger Ianto Ware said...

I said I was a God Amongst Men, not a king. Render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and all that sort of thing.

1:20 AM, January 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice clarification ianto. not just "gods representative on earth" as many a king has claimed, just simply a god.
i feel so privileged to be associated with such a humble personage as yourself.

9:58 PM, January 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

people don't like wankers....
and wankers don't get anywhere....

If you actually want to 'make it' in the music industry, you should probably consider toning it down a bit.
I know a few people that have stopped going to your gigs, due to the 'pretentious wanker' leading the singing.
If you're not willing to change, then be happy living your meagre existence as a library or a information man or whatever the fuck you do.

9:40 AM, January 19, 2006  
Blogger matt said...

the idea that wankers dont get anywhere is quite insane.

look at the world around you. 99% of the people who have 'gotten anywhere' ARE wankers.

and much bigger wankers than I.

your argument therefore makes little sense.

as for the people who dont like seeing me play. I couldnt care less.

10:08 AM, January 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heh guys...if you think he is such a wanker why are you reading his blog?

wankers sell.

10:52 AM, January 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enough with the haters!

matt you DO live in a small town - that is pathetically obvious in the lashings of small-town-bile being lavished upon your good self.

have these people heard of :
"persona" (not the deodorant)
" sarcasm"
and finally "fiction"

what nerds - probably so uptight they spend the whole of their megre night-shelf-stcking salaries on one studded belt.

12:48 PM, January 19, 2006  

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